Non-duality & the Metacrisis


Jonathan Gustin

Founder of Purpose Guides Institute

ON Wednesday, May 22

12pm-1:30pm PDT (3pm-4:30pm EDT)

Exploring the relationship between non-Duality and the Metacrisis

If our meditation practice rarely brings us into contact with today’s metacrisis, then could it be that our practice subtly reinforces the story of separation? Today’s metacrisis is inextricable from the ‘now’, or the ‘isness’ of this moment. And Love leaves nothing out.

Today’s metacrisis is not just another object arising in consciousness, it is an object that unequivocally demands of us a skillful response. 

Where: LIVE on Zoom
Cost: FREE*

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To omit relating to the metacrisis would be like continuing a meditation retreat on the Titanic. 

This is a call to our fellow meditators to collectively address the metacrisis of our times within our non-dual practice. 

When we bypass the metacrisis, we risk accidentally decontextualizing non-duality – thereby rendering it partial and incomplete. Enlightenment is not distinct from the context in which the aspiration for enlightenment arises. Neglecting to include the metacrisis amounts to imposing a metaphysical duality upon non-duality.


Our ability to engage in non-dual contemplation is predicated on a functioning earth-life system. Overlooking the context in which the enlightenment drive arises is a diminishment of non-duality – an unintentional impoverishment of the very thing that non-duality teachers attempt to teach – and ultimately self-defeating to our aims. Non-duality leaves nothing out, including the times and context in which contemplation is even possible.


Our Invitation to conversation

Jonathan will offer a 30 minute talk entitled, “Nonduality & the Metacrisis”, followed by a group exploration.

We hope you will join us to delve into the intersection between non-duality and the metacrisis.

Date: Wednesday, May 22
12pm-1:30 PDT (3-4:30pm EDT)

Register: In the sign-up form above.

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We’re in this together


Jonathan Gustin

Jonathan Gustin, M.A, MFT, Jonathan is the founder of Purpose Guides Institute. He helps people to find and embody their life’s purpose, and offers training for those who want to become Purpose Guides themselves. He is also a meditation teacher, facilitating meditation gatherings remotely as well as in-person in his hometown of Victoria, BC, Canada.  

Jonathan has been a psychotherapist and spiritual mentor for over 25 years.  He is a retired adjunct professor at JFK University and co-author of Purpose Rising with Ken Wilber, Erwin Laszlo, and Bill Plotkin. He has had the pleasure of co-teaching programs with such luminaries as Human Potential pioneer George Leonard, eco-activist Joanna Macy, eco-psychologist Bill Plotkin, and Non-Duality pioneer Adyashanti. Jonathan looks forward to igniting a global conversation on Non-Duality & The Metacrisis (with a forthcoming paper in Summer 2024).  Jonathan’s Institute welcomes a new cohort each September for Purpose Discovery and Purpose Guide.

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